Sunday, March 10, 2019

Time Changes Everthing... Including Human Beings and How They Learn.

   The change is inevitable. Even our moods change everyday. So the change in education and in the way of teaching is very normal. In the past, education system was based on rote learning, however time changed, human beings changed, and normally their needs changed. With the birth of technology and computers we are able to reach information very easily. Thus we don't need to memorize information. After computers it is not about what you know, it is about what you can do with that knowledge.
    The educational needs of students in 21st century, are totally different than before. And the abilities that teachers should have are totally different too. There are four main characteristics; crticial thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication. First of all we must be trained as critical thinkers and we must train our students as critical thinkers. We should know how to adopt technology in our education system. Because every other day we are getting more attached to the teachnology. We should be open to the innovations in education and we should except them and work through them. As the future teachers we should be aware of our responsibilities. We are going to shape future and we can't shape the future with the old system.

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