Saturday, April 20, 2019

Assistant For Both Teachers and Students: ESOL Courses

    Hello my dear readers! In this post we are going to analyze ESOL Courses. This website is for both students and teachers. In this site you can find materials for both children and adult. The aim of the site is to teach English to the speakers of other langugaes. You can visit the website by clicking HERE.
    Who authored the website? Is there any information about their qualifications or credentials?
   The lessons are written by experienced authors with a solid backgrounds in writing materials for both teaching and learning English. Writers hold an internationally recognised qualification (such as CELTA or Trinity), and have a minimum of ten years teaching experience. The author's names can be found within the credits seaction on each page.
    What is the content of the website?
   There are many content in the website. Grammar, vocabulary, listening, writing, reading, featured lessons for teachers, english for work and some cultural informations such as life in the uk and life in the us.
    Who is the target audience?
    Target audience is both teachers and students. And both adults and children.
    What is the purpose of the website?
    The purpose of the website is to teach English to the speakers of other langugaes.
    Is there a date that shows when the site has last been updated?
    The only thing I didn't like about this website is that you can't find when it has last been updated. But you can see when the post was loaded.
    Accuracy of the information- Are there any errors?
    If you have a look at the Grammar, vocabulary and writing sections you wouldn't find any errors.
    Are there any broken links?
    Every link in the website works perfectly.
    Are the images of high quality and appealing to the target audience? 
    The images for both children and adut are different. In the website you can see that images are very suitable for the target audience.
    How can it be applied to EFL teaching? 
    In the website there are featured lessons for teachers to use. With the listening parts you can let your students hear a native speaker. As teachers we can want from the students to pick as many word as  they want from the vocabulary section and write a story with it. Actually what you can do with this website is up to your creativity.
If you want to see all sections click HERE. I hope it would be useful for you!!

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